security consultant services

Did you know that only 6% of companies have full visibility of their supply chain? When you experience delays or other common supply chain issues, it’s hard to solve the problem without visibility.

Supply chain security consultant services can help deal with this, but are they worth it? Keep reading to learn the answer.

Do I Need Security Consultant Services?

Security consultant services can help with train security, maritime security, and other supply chain security necessities.

Supply chain security consultants combine management with security measures to protect businesses from these risks:

  • Financial
  • Reputational
  • Operational

Let’s discuss a little about what these risks mean.

Financial Risk

Not only does a business risk financial losses from a supply chain breach, but customers deal with the financial burdens as well. The effects of a physical or data leak are felt throughout the supply chain.

Reputational Risk

A breach in the supply chain damages the reputation of a business. When the breach becomes public, your business won’t be trusted within your industry.

Operational Risk

An attacker that has access to your network can cause operational risk to your supply chain. A breach can impact the client organization, customer, vendor, and/or service supplier.

Security consultant services can help minimize each of these risks.

Supply Chain Security Consultant Benefits

Security logistics programs identify risks and help businesses reduce them. A consultant will create a tailored plan to improve product safety, management, and inventory.

Through these services, you’ll have greater visibility of the supply chain as a whole. The benefits of this include:

  • Reducing customer clearance time
  • Speeding up transit time
  • Delivering more efficient services

Secure services keep your customers satisfied. While working on your relationship with current customers, you are also able to attract new ones by offering secure services.

Physical Security Threats

Physical threats to the supply chain are more traditional. They include piracy, sabotage, and theft. Physical threats can come from external or internal sources.

A supply chain security consultant firm can use these methods to combat physical threats:

  • Utilizing tracking and tracking technology
  • Employing advanced locking mechanisms
  • Using standardized cargo inspection procedures
  • Screening employees

Using the options above minimizes your chances of becoming a victim of physical threats.

Cyber Security Threats

Physical supply chain threats aren’t the only thing businesses need to worry about. With the rise of the internet, there are new cyber threats.

If your supply chain relies on the web, hackers can bring you down without the right security protocols in place.

A security consultant can use these methods to minimize risk:

  • Ensuring supply chain employees are certified and compliant
  • Conducting risk assessments
  • Specifying who owns certain data
  • Improving communication lines

Don’t let cyber criminals disrupt your business. Hire supply chain security for help.

Hire the Leaders in Supply Chain Security

As physical and cyber problems continue to threaten the supply chain, it’s more important than ever to hire security consultant services.

VTSC is the leader in supply chain security and can help you accomplish your goals. Contact us today with a question or to receive a quote.